DIY | Honey, Egg and Olive Oil Hair Mask

This is a really easy and affordable way to give your hair a deep treatment!

These three simple ingredients that you can find in your own pantry are not just good for eating but also have amazing benefits for skin and hair.

Apply this mask at least once a week and you will have beautiful, shiny and healthy hair!


  1. 2 Eggs
  2. 1 Tablespoon of Honey (I highly recommend using this or this honey)
  3. 2 Tablespoons of Olive Oil (this is the Olive Oil I use and love)

What To Do:

  1. Mix two whole eggs with two tablespoons of olive oil. Add in the honey and mix until creamy.
  2. Smooth through from roots to ends of your hair until completely covered. Cover your hair with a plastic wrap or shower cap and leave for one hour. Rinse with warm water and shampoo (this is the shampoo I use) until hair is no longer sticky. Use conditioner if necessary. The mixture will only be sticky until you rinse it out and once it’s out your hair will feel so soft and conditioned!
  3. Get ready to have smooth and healthy looking hair!


– An organic/natural diet concentrating on the highest quality foods you can find will help you the most. I also rely on superfoods like maca powder, ashitaba, chlorella, ashwagandha and many more of my favorites from Sun Potion for powerful nutritional boosts. Each day I take an omega fatty acid supplement as well as a womens multi-vitamin. Healthy body = Healthy hair.

– I always filter my shower and sink water to eliminate chlorine and other chemicals in tap water that dull hair and dry out the skin.

– Purchase a silk pillow case. I love the feeling of pure silk on my skin at night, and the hair benefits are incredible. I awaken to less tangles and more manageable hair as well as softer skin.

– Limit the use of hairdryers, straighteners, and curling irons. Heat appliances can be very damaging to delicate hair. Occasional use is fine of course, but use a few drops of jojoba or argan oil,  lightly brushed through your hair for heat protection is recommended. Try and let hair dry naturally as much as possible.

– Use the correct hairbrush (I use this + this & this) The best brush for long straight hair is a wide paddle brush. It helps keep the hair smooth and silky. And the extra wide surface makes brushing quicker and easier.

– Scrunchies are your friends! They help prevent hair damage with the flexibility of elastic but covered in soft fabric.

– Shampoo your hair 1-3 x per week at most. (this is my favorite shampoo) The ultimate goal should be once or twice per week. Overdoing shampoo washes away the natural oils in your hair. I use my DIY dry shampoo recipe in-between regular shampoos.

– Rinse hair with apple cider vinegar 1-2 x per week. Add one part ACV to one part warm filtered water and apply after shampooing. Leave in hair for a few minutes then rinse. There are unlimited benefits to adding this to your hair care regimen. ACV is a natural conditioner, helps remove product build up, won’t strip or dry the hair, and contains antibacterial + antifungal properties which help heal itchy + dry scalp conditions.

Wellness and organic natural beauty are always cultivated from the inside ~ out. And this I know for sure!



*All of my reviews are based on my own personal experiences with the brand/products. I am never paid to give my honest opinions and will only recommend products that I love and use myself! All Photographs are (C) Britanie Faith unless stated otherwise.*

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Blog of Britanie Faith. Conscious and Unapologetic Living. Beauty & Skincare Addict. Curve/Plus Size Model and Self-Love Advocate. Creator of Concoctions. Lover of Herbalism, Photography, Fashion, Flowers, Glitter, Books, Dogs, Coffee. This blog features original and inspired concoctions, makeup and skincare reviews and step by step tutorials, recipes, tips, product reviews, life updates, musings, makeup looks, fashion, vintage finds, and my everyday life and all of it's joys and struggles.

193 thoughts on “DIY | Honey, Egg and Olive Oil Hair Mask

      1. Can I sleep with this in my hair overnight or do I have to shower I’ve had it on so far for an hr and a half I’m worried it’ll damage it if I have it on for too long

      2. Im gonna try this thanks.very much .. i needed something new to try after having damaged and dry hair hooe this works thank you
        , rachel pertert

      3. I have only just started using cocnut honey oil egg mix I have be having troubles growing my hair becouse I have tyroid problem and that stops ur growing I am hoping this will help can u keep the mi in over nite can u tell me please anyone

      4. I love all your home remedies! My one question to you is; can i sleep with the eggs in my hair over night? Or will it cook on me?

      5. Hey, I couldn’t thank you enough for sharing this DIY. It did wonders to my hair. My hair are dry and rough, but after uing this DIY they are lot more smooth and shiny. Thank you so much. Much love ❤️

      1. It works for me, im losing a lot hair whenever i brush my hair. Bec.of that , i tossed my brush in the garbage, im using wide tooth comb now. I notice i don’t lose much hair now as to like before… i intend to use it for as long as i can.

      2. Yes, I tried it both as a silky colored brunette and then again a damaged straw like bleach blonde and I can now definitely see the results. My hair is getting healthy again and silky soft after bleaching it back!

    1. I just tried this! my hair feels so smooth x) how often can I do this? i really want my damaged hair to get better

  1. I hope to try this out, thanks for the recipe! I have a hair mask i recently bought from, Pro Naturals Moroccan Argan Oil Hair Mask, it has worked really well but it’s pricey so I’m getting into homemade recipes to make it last.

  2. thank you for the info, sounds good, I will try this as soon as I can, I use another good one that has worked well for my hair, it’s pro naturals moroccan argan oil hair mask and leaves my hair pretty and healthy. 🙂

    1. Your very welcome! Please let me know what you think if you try it out!! I love argan oil hair masks! I just think it’s fun to play around with ingredients you can find at home! so affordable and really fun.

  3. Can you please check your links? Sorry for going off topic but diy beauty | honey, egg and olive oil hair mask Beauty By Britanie and hair health and beauty keeps redirecting me.

  4. Gonna try it tomorrow coz i adore beautiful hair. The day after tomorrow is the first day of my job). Hope i’ll have nice hair to impress everyone there.

  5. I’m trying this out now, except I got the recipe from a different site, it just said one egg, one tbs honey and one tbs olive oil. Hopefully it works! My hair is HORRIBLE!

    1. Hey, you could use one or two eggs or one tbs of olive oil but it depends on how deep of a mask you want and how long your hair is. I prefer two eggs and two tablespoons of olive oil – you can adjust it to your preference though!

      1. I have long, very naturally curly hair. I use 2 eggs, 2 Tbsps of honey, 1 Tbsp coconut oil, and 2 Tbsps of olive oil, and whisk them together in a small bowl. Starting from the scalp, I work it into my hair all the way down to the ends, then massage the DIY homemade hair mask in to my scalp for 5 minutes. I then leave it in for an hour, using a heat cap for part of the time. I cool the hair for a few minutes, rinse out the mask, and shampoo it, condition it, and style it as usual.

    1. yes you can, though I would recommend some type of oil for more deep conditioning. you could substitute the olive oil for jojoba or sweet almond. Honey and egg would be fine on it’s own though!

  6. hey guys! i did this treatment yesterday and i’d love to share my results(i know this is very long but i hope it can help someone)! i have very long (down to my belly button) and extreamly thick hair. it is naturally brunette, however, i color the ends pink. they are very dry and i have awful split ends (i haven’t gotten my hair cut in a little over a year). i as looking fr something that would really deeply moisturize my hair and make it soft. i used two eggs, one tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of olive oil and used my hands to put the mixture in my hair from root to tip (focusing on my ends b/c thats where the most moisture is needed) i then wrapped my hair in a towel and left it in for about 45 minutes. at the end of that time i hopped in the shower and used my Aussie confidently clean shampoo to rinse it out (had to shampoo it about 3 or 4 times to get all of the stuff out) and then used the Aussie confidently clean conditioner and combed my hair out with a wide tooth comb (in the shower, while the conditioner was in). then i rinsed all of the product out of my hair and got out of the shower. i left my hair in a towel for about 10 min just to get some of the water out of my hair so it wasnt dripping wet, and then i blow dried it about halfway dry. then i put in about a quarter sized amount of Chi Silk infusion oil and brushed that evenly throughout my hair. then i allowed my hair to air dry.

    today my hair is feeling VERY soft and looking much healthier. i woud strongly suggest this treatment and i will probably start doing it once every two weeks to give my hair an extra boost.

  7. Hello! This looks great and I am looking forward to trying it. But I have a question, could you substitute coconut oil in for the olive oil? Would it be better? What do you think? Thank you!

  8. I must say I was a little skeptical. I have never taken a spa like treatment from the internet and bring it to life. My hair is a little tricky to deal with. I did this hair mask because I was getting split ends since re-growing my hair out for this past year, for I had a Mohawk last year, and I must say you would foolish not try this amazing hair mask! 😀 It’s absolutely brilliant!

  9. I am sitting right now, with a plastic bag on my head, hoping for the best but expecting the worse…

  10. I am a black woman and I’ve tried this and can say that this really works immediately, usually when I comb my hair after a deep conditioner lots of dead hair falls out, but not this time. My hair feels like silk and I am loving the results. Thanks for sharing.

  11. I was skeptical to try this because I was scared it would mess up my hair. But I followed the recipe and left it in for about 50 minutes and washed my hair with my Moroccan shampoo about 3 times and then used my conditioner. Let my hair dry and then straightened it and wow. What an amazing difference! My hair is super shiny and soft!!! I will be doing this treatment often. I’m in love with my new hair!

  12. Hey guys 😀 I just do it right now 😀 I have a long big wavy hair. Long time ago I’ve tried egg mask, but I can’t stand the smell. Now, I mixed it with honey and olive oil like your suggestion and I don’t smell any egg. I hope it will give me a good result cause I have a really dry hair. Since I was a child I’ve already got a dry hair, but I made it worse by smoothing it 6 years ago and my hair never back as it used to be since then (which I regret). I hope this recipe will make my hair better and healthier cause I always jealous when I see girls with beautiful hair 😀

  13. AMAZING! I had so much frizz and this totally does it…now my stringy Asian hair doesn’t look like a dried poof of straw… the cool thing is my hair absorbed it all… so one rinse with water was enough! I guess my hair was super dry… thanks!!!

  14. Hi everybody,

    My hair is so short and instead I used 1 egg, 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil and a tablespoon of biological honey. Well if I’m honest I was hungry and after half of the honey tablespoon was poured in I put spoon in my mouth, and Yum! My mixture has been in my hair for nearly 10 mins, and shall leave this for an hour.

  15. Nice post. You can use 1 tsp of lemon juice if you have scalp infections and a piece of camphor for good aroma. You can use coconut milk for smoothing your hair. Add 1 tsp of honey to the coconut milk and stir it to mix honey well and apply the mix to your hair and wait for an hour and rinse with cool water. This makes your hair healthy and smooth.

  16. I have very curly, frizzy hair, and it has been a challenge for me to find products that reduce frizz while not making my hair feel “crunchy.” My hair dresser started using the Shielo Restoration Oil in my hair after I dry it – and the result is very smooth curls. I really like the Shielo Oil and it smells delicious. I would recommend for anyone with dry or curly hair.

  17. i was very scared to do this i have very fine hair that always broke off in the back since i have been using this my has grown in the back and i look like i have a full head of hair

  18. Hi britanie. hair r fine very dry da scalp is like very itchy sometimes since I’ve got dermatitis on my body..m loosing my hair very first ,even I could c my hair in my house here and doctor says u Allergic to eggs !!!…I found your this post I was very happy to find da solution for hair loss and dry hair …but i am not sure if am Allergic to egg shall I use it or not ..Please reply…m loosing my hair I used to have long hair like yu ..but since these Allergies has hit me I’ve cut them down cz of fast hair loss n dry scalp !!!

  19. I’m planning on trying this, but will it mess up my newly dyed blue hair??
    Yesterday, I had a hair disaster! I bleached my hair and it came out terrible, my hair was extremely dry and it was breaking very bad, this is the worst my hair has ever been. So, today I had my boyfriend’s mom fix my hair because it was multiple colors, the bleach didn’t get out some of the purple, so my hair was blonde, grey, pink and purple. We decided that she was going to do a bleach bath and dye my hair blue, I was a little skeptical on it, because I was worried that it would fry it even more, but for some reason my hair turned out to be softer. I have been looking all day for some sort of DIY mask because I am so terrified my hair will continue to break off. Please respond to my question, thanks!

    1. In the experience which I have regarding my condition of my hair when I dye it is this.
      Make a home conditioning hair mas k of 3 table spoons of olive oil, 3 table spoons of coconut oil and 2 egg yolks and 3 table spoons of honey.
      Leave on as long as possible and if you want t lighten your hair the honey will lift your original colour.
      Hope this helps.

  20. Does using eggs make your hair smell? And can I use vegetable oil in stead of olive oil? And is using honey, sticky and hard to get out? Sorry for so many questions but it’s my Birthday in a few days and I’d like to have beautiful, silky, and shining hair.:) Please reply as soon as possible!!!! Thanks!

    1. No it will not make your hair smell and the honey won’t be sticky once you wash it out! Just make sure to shampoo and condition after. Happy birthday 🙂

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    In truth, your creative writing abilities has inspired me to get my very own site now 😉

  22. I just tried it, I followed all the directions and its not washing out! I have thick, absorbant hair! I’ve tried shampooing 4x’s in a hot shower and poured 3 beers on my hair to get out the grime but it still won’t come out! Help!!!!

  23. Egg whites will dry out your hair, save the whites for your face. When it comes to your hair, use the egg yolk only. I loved the outcome 🙂

  24. I just tried this and my hair feels very clumpy an thick :/
    I was followed the recipient and I had slightly damp hair when I started, I left it for about 45 mins and after I rinsed it out as used shampoo my hair felt like this, any suggestions of what I might have done wrong

  25. Will this work with color treated hair? My hair is durex red I just want to make sure it won’t strip the color. Thanks!

  26. I’m doing this right now and not gonna lie the smell is kinda weird but it feels nice on my scalp…. The smell not gonna last after I wash my hair is it?

  27. I just tried this, i added coconut oil and yogurt for the extra protein, made my dry frizzy hair so much softer! This is the first time ive done a diy hair mask and i will definitely be doing it regularly now.

  28. I’m trying this tonight and I really hope it works! My hair has bad split ends because of heat damage since I am a middle school student. I only have one question; Will it take my split ends away right away or atleast correct a lot of them? Please Reply thank you!

  29. hello I was wondering wat happens if u leave it in ur hair for more then an hour wat will happen..??

  30. I honestly didn’t really think this would work with me my hair is long and thick, kinda dryish… Tried it for about 25 minutes and shampooed twice waited for it to dry and wow it’s so so so soft I’m so amazed thank you

    1. Use jojoba oil or olive oil alone and or coconut oil. There is this really good oil called castor oil that will make ur hair soft, shiney, healthy and thicker

  31. You can avoid all this stink and mess by using egg oil (eyova). An effective remedy is massaging your scalp with egg oil twice a week, leaving on overnight and washing off in the morning using shampoo only once.

  32. When I did it it stunk and when I washed my hair it was super duper knotted and I had to use a lot a lot a lot of conditioner but it made it shiney and noe I’m just waiting for it to dry to see if it made it soft not. Guess we will see!!! !

  33. so i tried making this, and you said to mix the ingredients together until creamy. however mine didnt become creamy when i mixed it together it was super slippery and goopy and idk why. so i didnt use it on my hair in the end… what did i do wrong??

  34. I tryed it and my hair felt really soft and it did seem a little shiny toda y was my first day doing it and I will continúe doing it every week.

  35. Please how well will it work on an over processed hair. My hair is falling off real bad. Am an African. Please… Do reply. Please. Thank you

  36. Hey, I’ve been hearing about this mask from all over the intenet and am finally ready to try it! (I tend to stay away from internet trends because I have no idea what’s or not). I do have a question though, is it okay to substitue the olive oil with vegetable or not? I’d love to know! Thanks a bunch!

  37. Hey.. I did try this too with one egg, 2tbsp olive oil, 1tbsp coconut oil, 13/4tbsp honey and 1tbsp butter. Its like a miracle hair masque. Believe me. My hair was really damaged after all that smoothening and hair dyes I used. And ut had become really frizzy and brittle. It really bothered me since I had really healthy hair once. Now it was so uttely damaged and were losing their thickness.. Thanks to this natural home remedies, it’s getting my hair back to life. Even though it smells awful, I would definitely do this over and over again till my hair is more healthier. All women out there you should give it try.

  38. Instead of stinky, messy raw eggs, it is so much easier to use egg oil on hair without any risk of rashes or salmonella infection. There is absolutely no smell and it is so much more convenient. Since I am a working person, I could use eggs only on Sundays and my spouse always used to crib. Egg oil, I can use any day of the week, leave it on overnight and wash it off in the morning like any regular oil.
    Have you tried it? It’s available on Flipkart and Purplle.

  39. Can i use pomace olive oil in place of extra virgin olive oil ..plz rply smone is my sisters marriage and i want my hairs to look gorgious..plzzzz rply

  40. Does this help your hair grow? I seen a video on YouTube where the girl said this would help your hair grow overnight.

  41. Im sitting with a plastic bag on my head right now hahah i hope this works p.s how long do i need to leave this on for ??

  42. I just washed this treatment off of my hair, left my hair wrapped in a towel for 10 minutes then took it off and lightly brushed my hair with a roller brush with plastic teeth. My hair is now mid-way dry and I can already feel a MASSIVE difference in the texture and thickness! It’s definitely not as frizzy as it was before, it feels really smooth! Baring in mind my hair felt like a f**king brillo pad! Hahaha! I used a colorB4 on my hair a few weeks ago then a bleach just 2 days after, my hair was horrible and the thin dry ends knotted really badly, I constantly have a sore and painful scalp, but since using this that’s eased off a lot too! I’m pretty impressed! My hair will never feel 100% soft but going from 0% soft to 30% softer is a really good feeling! haha! I’ll update you guys in the morning!

  43. I tried it yesterday!!!! 2 eggs 2TBS of milk, 2 TBS olive oil, 2 TBS honey. I am of African American descent . Very stick and messy but I must say it is amazing!!!! Let sit for about 30 mins!!. Washed it out with motions harecare shampoo and conditioned!!, applied about a quarter size amount of CHI silk infusion , blow dry the applied CHI heat protector then flat ironed. My hair looks amazing, silky, feels healthy looks healthy!! very satisfied and it was all done at home

  44. my hair is really breaking and front hair is also cutting. I want my hair to be Long, full/ thick and dark. pls wat can I do pls I want this embarrassment to stop bcos I can’t open my hair outside . somebody pls tell me d magic thing I can do to get all this.

  45. Yes it is early in the morning (I stayed up all night) but I did this treatment last night, ( 1 egg, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of olive oil ). I washed my his out with shampoo after and combed it out with a wide comb and my hair feels so soft and thick. I left it in for about 30min and It worked just fine.

  46. Help! I followed the instructions and it went well until I washed my hair. I lost a LOT of hair during this phase . I don’t understand, I followed the instructions, the ingredients I used are natural, the quantity, I didn’t pull my hair while applying the mixture, where did it go wrong? Has anyone else experienced this and knows how I could fix it? Thanks

  47. I used this recipe for my first DIY treatment on my thick colored brunette hair 3 days before I had it bleached back to my original blonde. It was definitely softer and silky, but I didn’t notice if it “repaired’ or strengthened my hair. Well, since going back blonde, my hair has been frizzy straw and kind of damaged just from the natural bleaching process. I’ve used the Redken deep conditioning but not many results. Then I used this recipe Again last night, leaving it on for a little over an hour before shampooing and conditioning it out as normal w/ cold water…AND WOW…I can now tell you as a silky brunette and now a damaged blonde, that it restores the soft silky shine and protein back into damaged hair! I will plan to do a few more DIY treatments over the next few weeks. Take it from a skeptic w/ thick, course damaged blonde hair…this DIY is definitely worth the time and works! Thanks for sharing!

  48. can I apply this method after relaxing my hair or should I apply without relaxing my hair

  49. Hi Britanie! I recently got a balayage which has left my hair fried. I feel horribly guilty about it and have been researching at-home holistic solutions, so I’ll definitely try this! Also do you have any leave in conditioners that you recommend for very thick, dark hair? I don’t want to straighten my hair since it’s already so damaged, but it looks like cotton candy, haha, so I’m hoping there’s something healthy that can temporarily tame it.

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