DIY | Calming Face Mask for Eczema, Sensitive and/or Acne Prone Skin


I recently woke up to a horrible Eczema flare all over my face and eyelids(you can see in the photo above that my eyelids are completely swollen). I have never suffered from Eczema before but have always had severely dry skin, especially in the winter months. I couldn’t figure out what would bring on Eczema, especially when I have never had it before. I tried to figure out if it was something I had put on my face and then it dawned on me that the only thing different I had done recently in my diet was include some Dairy.

I had been Dairy-Free for ten years, up until a few months ago when I started to try to re-introduce little bits of it into my diet while taking Lactaid. I thought I was okay with it even though I started noticing that I was having worse dryness on my skin, especially around my eyes. It wasn’t until two nights ago that I realized I passed my threshold with the dairy and it clearly was the reason behind my random flare up of Eczema. I plan to not have any dairy ever again. I shouldn’t have even tried to re-introduce it, knowing that I have always had a dairy sensitivity but after ten years of having none it was so nice to feel like I could indulge every now and then! It is not worth what my skin went through and I definitely won’t ever take my skin for granted again. There are also many connections between Eczema and Dairy Intolerance.

While I was suffering from this bout of Eczema, I literally wanted to rip my face off because the itching was so severe. I didn’t want to use any over the counter medications or lotions that contain nasty and harmful ingredients so I decided to concoct my own mixture of completely natural ingredients and I came up with this recipe that literally within seconds of applying to my skin, completely got rid of the terrible itching and reduced the redness immensely. I have been using this everyday to help with the Eczema and so far my skin is healing very fast. I am also using a few other ingredients (listed at bottom of the post) and I am staying away from makeup until my skin is completely healed again.

The Recipe:

This easy to make and powerful face mask only consists of three ingredients: Vitamin E Oil, Ground Nutmeg and Raw Manuka Honey.


About the Ingredients:

Nutmeg is full of antioxidants and has powerful anti-inflammatory properties which can soothe painful and irritated skin and can help relieve painful itching from Eczema or other skin conditions. Nutmeg can also help remove blackheads, unclog pores and buff off dead skin cells, leaving your skin looking and feeling smoother. Nutmeg can also be used to reduce scars, including acne scars.

Raw Manuka Honey and other Raw Honey’s have been used for centuries to treat all sorts of ailments. It can be applied topically to heal wounds, rashes, skin burns, abrasions and other skin conditions. Raw Honey has powerful antioxidants which provide protection against free radicals that are known to be one of the main causes of aging. It is full of anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties properties which make it ideal for anyone suffering from acne. In cases of Eczema it has been shown to improve the condition very fast. Raw Honey promotes body and digestive health, is a powerful antioxidant, strengthens the immune system, eliminates allergies, and is an excellent remedy for skin wounds and all types of infections.

Vitamin E  is easily absorbed by the epidermis layer of the skin and can be used for treating sunburn or protecting you from the sun. It is a strong antioxidant that prevents premature aging and helps to heal the skin. It’s also great for wrinkles, scars and irritated skin.

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What You Will Need:

1 tablespoon raw manuka honey
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg powder
½ teaspoon vitamin e oil (or 1 capsule vitamin e)

How To Use:

Mix all ingredients together until it’s a thick paste. Apply mixture all over your face, focusing on problematic areas. Leave mixture on for 20-60 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water. You can also lightly massage this mixture in circular motions on your face before rinsing off to promote extra exfoliation. Be extra careful to pat your face dry with a soft towel!


You could use any type of Honey that you prefer for this face mask but Raw Manuka Honey has been shown to have the most benefits when it comes to skin and health. I prefer Raw Manuka Honey for my face masks but it can be very expensive. If you can’t afford the Manuka honey than I suggest using Raw Honey. Just remember Raw and Organic are always the best when it comes to Honey. If you can’t find Vitamin E Oil than simply purchase Vitamin E capsules and open one or two up to use in this face mask! Nutmeg is readily available in most grocery stores.

For storage: I usually make double the recipe and store my mixture in a small mason jar and keep in my cabinet.

Other Products I Use to Prevent Eczema Flares: I like to use an intensely hydrating cream after this or any other mask and right now my moisturizer of choice is the CV Skinlabs Calming Moisture Cream it’s rich enough to hydrate my skin but does not irritate my skin at all. It’s calming and helps to get rid of redness and dry patches! I use it daily and nightly. I also pair it with the CV Skinlabs Restorative Skin Balm in areas of extra need. These two have helped my skin tremendously.


Have you ever suffered from Eczema or severely irritated, itchy or dry skin? Please share your experiences in the comments and feel free to share any remedies you have tried that have worked for you. If you try this face mask please let me know if it helps you!

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*All of my reviews are based on my own personal experiences with the brand/products. I am never paid to give my honest opinions and will only recommend products that I love and use myself! All Photographs are (C) Britanie Faith unless stated otherwise.*

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Blog of Britanie Faith. Conscious and Unapologetic Living. Beauty & Skincare Addict. Curve/Plus Size Model and Self-Love Advocate. Creator of Concoctions. Lover of Herbalism, Photography, Fashion, Flowers, Glitter, Books, Dogs, Coffee. This blog features original and inspired concoctions, makeup and skincare reviews and step by step tutorials, recipes, tips, product reviews, life updates, musings, makeup looks, fashion, vintage finds, and my everyday life and all of it's joys and struggles.

113 thoughts on “DIY | Calming Face Mask for Eczema, Sensitive and/or Acne Prone Skin

  1. I suffered from Eczema for so long. It still get it sometimes If I leave my skin dry or not hydrated properly. I so want to try this but I doubt some of the ingredients would be available in my manuka honey any different to normal honey ?

    1. Where do you live? You should be able to find Nutmeg, Vitamin E and Raw Honey anywhere. Manuka Honey is the most powerful form of Honey’s but Raw or Organic Honey would work wonders also. Can you order online from Vitacost or Amazon? All of these ingredients would be available there. This is the only thing that provided my eczema with relief.

      1. I have been on longggg treatments for Eczema and it keeps comin back. Yeah I ll try it with the organic one. We have it common here in Pakistan. I’m sure the other would be available too but might be with some other name. Thank you Britanie 🙂

    1. My skin is always bad. Eczema gets worse ever since I have cats. Tried this mask today. Feel good but guess I had put too much honey, the mask kept dripping onto my neck and clothes. Will have to adjust the qty next time. Thank you for sharing this recipe.

      1. Hey! This makes me so happy. What type of honey did you use? Some honey’s are thicker than others and I prefer the thicker consistency because it doesn’t run as much! I am so happy this has helped you. Please let me know how your skin continues to feel!

  2. i love you.. i have to try this. i have SUPER senstive skin and i was clawing at myself injanuary becauseyeah, nothing i used worked, and dairy is evil! i love you. lets have a phonecall soon

    1. You HAVE to try this. It seriously has saved my skin. I was literally crying in pain because of how badly the itching and burning was and nothing worked until this mask. I leave it on for an hour and after I rinse it off my skin isn’t irritated anymore. I will keep using this until the eczema is completely cleared up. Dairy IS evil. I went 10 years without it but after my recent surgery and having stress I wanted to indulge and I paid for it! Yes lets phone chat soon!! Love you!!

    1. My skin is dry from eczema and gets pimply when I try to moisturizel too. Ugh! I did this mask last night, left it on for an hour, and then rinsed with cold water. My skin felt great afterword. I plan on doing it every evening. To be continued…

  3. oh girl this sounds awful! ive never had eczema but i couldnt imagine being so so so itchy on my face. i hope this mask helped you a lot! i LOVE products with manuka honey in them, and need to get a jar of the pure stuff myself for some little DIY treatment. manuka honey was awesome for de-gunking my blackheads! i hope you are feeling better .. damn dairy.

    1. the biggest skincare mistake people make is thinking that it’s complicated — it’s not! it’s all about simplicity. Honey is amazing and has so many benefits for the skin! thank you for your comment, it means so much 🙂 xx

  4. I am so incredibly impressed with how amazing manuka honey is! My face had really sore open wounds because of my eczema and I applied the honey to it and it has cleared up after two days of me using it. Amazing stuff 🙂

    1. It’s wonderful, right!? I use it to spot treat any dry patches on my face and the next day they are nearly gone. It’s wonderful stuff!

      1. Hi,Britanie I was wondering if you could help me?
        I have had a bad reaction from using to many harsh products which has left my forehead really spotty with red, itchy patches. I was thinking about using Dr organic Manuka Honey Face Mask, do you think this would work? x

      2. Hi Charlotte,
        I am so sorry to hear about your reaction! I know how it is. I would suggest using manuka honey on it’s own for a face mask.. leave it on for a few hours. Also- look into CV Skinlabs calming moisture cream. I would use that to moisturize the area. It should help clear up the irritation very quickly

      3. Hi Britanie,
        thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly. I really appreciate it. I was wondering where you would buy the Manuka honey? Also I dont want to cause any more breakouts so should I do a patch test?
        I have been using a face wash and moisturizer by simple for about 4 days now and thought I would do this for a week. Just to give my skin a rest and hopefully to heal itself. Do you think this is wise?
        I was wondering if you could suggest any moisturizers that are good for spots and red marks?

        Thanks again

    1. I have intense dry patches around my entire eyes and jojoba oil is working well for them. I still wake up dry in the morning but the itching has gone down from using it, and then I just put more on in the morning so it doesn’t look as dry. Also jojoba oil won’t make you break out so plus!

  5. Thank you so much for your post… I grew up with eczema but when I moved to a better climate it was gone. Now at 31 it flared up again. I wanted to try everything before going to the dermatologist since a long use of steroids is what caused me to have so many scars in the first place from a temporary fix. I tried everything online. Still itching and getting worse. Thank you I tried this and automatically I felt a relief in itching that I have not felt in weeks. God sent! Thank you millions and millions!

    1. Hi Maria,

      This comment makes me SO happy. I know how badly the itching is with Eczema and how you can literally almost go crazy wanting to just scratch your entire face off. This mask SAVED me when I went through a horrible flare up and whenever I feel another coming on – I use this and another mask I created which I will be sharing the recipe for in the upcoming week. Do you mind if I ask what moisturizer and cleanser you use for your skin? I have some recommendations for you if you need any. Thank you again for commenting and I am SO happy this mask worked for you and that the itching is better!! xoxox

  6. I normally use more pricey, acne masks. My mom had this product from Citrus Clear called the Acne Spot Treatment – and I am impressed. It applies dense and smoothly, and creates a tingly citrusy sensation. All masks make my face feel tighter and cleaner, but this product makes my pores smaller. 100% ZERO BLACKHEADS from using this. It will work for you

  7. Eczema isn’t something that just comes up. It is a genetic skin disorder. You have it from birth. I have experienced eczema for 2 years straight. It is constant rashes and dry skin. And the itch makes it feel like you have chicken pox 24/7. I recently went to a dermatologist and she told me to get fragrance free products. I have an ointment and a medicine to calm the itch. But other than that there is nothing I can do.

    1. Hey Beth,
      Thank you for your comment. I will have to say I disagree with the statement that eczema cannot just “come up” as I have been fighting with stress-induced Eczema for more than a few months now. I was always prone to dry skin but recently starting having flares of eczema, especially around my eyes. I know how bad the itching can get and this mask is what saved my skin. There are also theories that eczema can be completely cured and that it has to do with immunity issues. Most health conditions are related to something deeper and we have to look deeper than just the skin to figure out what is really causing the problem. I have been to doctors for my eczema and they just recommended chemical-filled products, even if they are fragrance free they are still most likely full of parabens and other known irritants. I would highly recommend looking into natural remedies for your eczema and trying simple recipes like this one I came up with. Sometimes the most simple of things can be the best remedies. I also recommend looking into Oolong Tea. It is amazing for eczema and I swear since I have been drinking it daily, my flares have gone down immensely. I am sure you have been told that there is nothing you can do for your eczema but I hope you will research more and not just allow doctors to give you a diagnosis that isn’t cureable. Trust me I understand, I have many horrible health conditions that doctors have told me will never go away but I refuse to believe that. people have been cured of cancer so I believe that we can cure ourselves of eczema and other health conditions. Stay positive and keep researching ❤

      1. Hey,

        So im crystal how is everyone? Pardon me but I feel the need to jumo in here and suggest something that may be shocking…as a sufferer of eczema and skin allergies…I came across something we as sufferers may have. And thar is systematic candida…look it up its a fungus thats hard to get rid of and if u eat any sugar even natural sugar it feeds it….I recommend looking up im not affiliated its something I have to get on as well….. I also and following the body ecology diet by donna gates a life saver of mine and I must say I have yet to get the candida cleanser to get rid of tgis eczema…..its interesting to read uo on I recommend going to the website :

  8. Unfortunately, ever since I was 2 I have suffered from eczema, and have never found a cure. Luckily my face is clear, but I suffer from it everywhere else. 😦 Great post by the way! I’d love if you stopped by my blog! 🙂

    1. Look up candida albicans it can come from the mother and pass it on to childeren…. read donna gates body ecology diet

  9. Hi, I have heard how Manuka honey can help relieve itchiness and I believe there are some organic skin products made from it to treat eczema as of now. I am always interested in learning how simple ingredients like this can help.
    I have made my own homemade mask out of plain Greek yogurt mixed with Tumeric (a yellow spice known to calm irritations, treat acne & help with sun damage) which has worked for me so far. Although yogurt is part of a dairy product which some of us hate due to allergies, it was the best mask for me so far (without irritating my skin), but I am still tempted to try out your version because I heard so many good things about Manuka honey. I used to be allergic to dairy products but I grew out of it. Now I am allergic to soy products instead.

    I may have mixed regular honey in my attempt to make a mask with something else in the past but wasn’t successful at it.. maybe it wasn’t the right type to use then lol.

    Just like you, I am slowly moving away from toxic skin care products to a more organic (chemical free) products as much as possible. Thanks for the tip, I will give it a try if I find the honey! 🙂

  10. Honey, your eczema is not bad. I can upload a photo to outdo your swelling easily. I look like freak show after using Zaditor eye drops. My eczema is so bad, my skin won’t accept any moisturizer. I mix olive oil with cetaphil and sometimes vanicream, but it evaporates.

    1. Trust me my eczema was HORRIBLE. These photos were taken after using the mask for a few days and also the mask is covering up the eczema. I literally had swollen eyelids like crazy. Redness everywhere, it was awful. Doing this mask and other natural remedies has helped me to keep it at bay!

  11. Hi, so I used the calming face mask last night and I found it wonderful. I am on the search for a natural face face that I can use daily and I was wondering what type of face wash you use / how often you use it?

  12. I suffer from acne & eczema, I’ve been using different face wash to clear up my acne but only to see my eczema act up. I only have red spots & some drying in my skin. The itching is too much to take. So I was wondering if you would recommend this for me.

  13. I’ve been suffering eczema since childhood, and when im on a stress free vacation my skin heals and doesn’t flake or have flare ups. Now since i saw your blog, Is it ok to substitute nutmeg to turmeric? I’m now on my final year in college, are there any natural alternatives to prevent from having flare ups? Any vitamins? or food that’s good for asthma and eczema?

  14. I love this recipe, Britanie! It’s simple to do and uses such healing ingredients. I believe most skin issues start in the gut, so the connection between dairy intake and eczema is very likely. Hope you’re also taking quality probiotics to generate good intestinal flora. Are you getting enough healthy fats in your diet too? Great for skin and healing. xoxo

  15. Hey! I fell in love with your blog the moment i saw it.:) anyway, been trying some of your recipes! broke out a lil but i read in one of your comments, its just your face trying to detoxify itself? well, my ache gets million times worst and face gets very very dry after when i have my period. T.T and its so itchy cause its so dry. so, gonna try and stick with this recipe and see how it goes for the next few days. I did this once, it definitely made my skin feel different. hahaha. smooth too. 🙂 yays!

    1. Hey, Thank you so much for your comment and that means so much to me that you love my blog! Which recipes have you tried specifically and did you use more than one right after eachother? I start to break out only when I use too many different products or too many masks. Masks are wonderful for your skin but it can cause your skin to breakout because it is detoxing itself. This is normal. It will pass. I would suggest sticking to one or two different masks and using each once a week. No more than that. Give your skin a break and see how it responds. Also, do you moisturize especially well after using the masks? Many of the ingredients are so powerful at really getting into your pores and detoxing your skin but because of that will leave your skin feeling dry. It is a MUST to moisturize after this and it’s okay to use extra moisture. I would recommend a good and healthy moisturizer -and- an organic oil together. This should help the dryness. I hope this helps you! Please keep me updated.

      1. Hey! It’s been about awhile. I used it for one week, then after two weeks, I used it again. 😀 I really like it!! After the first time, I wasnt so used to it, because the texture of my face wasnt exactly smooth? However it was like, clean? It was a texture I wasnt used to. most likely it was cause of the vitamin E. 😀 However, after the second time I tried it, and after your advice of making sure I moisturize, my face felt amazing! 😀 the next morning, my dad said my face imrproved, and asked me what I did. I just put a mask! haha. After the mask, I did put a serum and cream moisturizer that was stronger than my daily aloe vera moisturizer. The mask helped brighten up my face, made me a little bit fairer, and reduced my red spots. 😀 though they came back after a few days T.T. I think its cause exam season and I get very stressed. Anyway, so yeah! Thanks for the amazing mask recipe and your advice! 😀 😀

  16. I can’t wait to try this – thank God I don’t have eczema on my face but it’s all over my hands and it’s maddening – constant flair ups – thank you – I’ll be sending good report in a few days.

  17. Hi Britanie! I LOVE your DIY face mask recipe! I tried it for the first time yesterday and I’m already noticing results today. Like you, I tend to get eczema around my eye area. Thankfully, mine isn’t as bad as yours was, but I think I had a reaction to an eye cream I was using. This mask is a life saver! I’m probably only going to use it 2-3 times a week because my problems are minimal right now.

    I was wondering how often you use the mask now that your skin is recovered. Thanks again for the great recipe!

  18. I bought Citrus Clear products for my 17 yr old son. His skin is sensitive. The Citrus Clear Spot Treatment has cleared up his acne in about two weeks without burning, peeling, or redness. He also says the smell is GREAT – and for acne products that is so rare!

  19. I have pretty bad skin: at 30 I have to use acne medication… That aside, my skin is so sensitive that I often get huge problems with my skin starting to painfully peel off. Needless to say, I’m not very keen on face washes. I’ve tried some before, but they were so irritating and caused break outs.

    The only thing my sensitive skin can use is the Made From Earth Grapefruit Glycolic Wash. First, micro-beads are big, so even if you scrub a lot, they won’t scratch you. Second, I did not notice any break outs after using this product every other day for a month now and my skin looks much more radiant and feels really smooth.
    I’m one of those people who really need to use sensitive skin products, but I’ trying to move away from Clinique to more natural/organic like Made From Earth.

  20. I’ve done this mask twice now and I really like it! Only downside is that I think I’m putting too much of it on my face and it drips everywhere, ha ha. I just wear a towel tucked into my shirt and it catches it all.
    I’ve always dealt with acne in some form. For all of my teens and first year in my twenties, it was mostly very mild with the occasional moderate outbreak. However, last fall (2012) I moved back to the pacific northwest from California and my face exploded. Like, I’ve never had acne that bad. In February, I decided to start using the oil cleansing method. While it didn’t clear my acne my any means, it completely balanced the oils on my face. I’ve never had oily skin since and I’ve dealt with that my whole life! I was determined to find a natural means of clearing my skin since I generally have bad reactions to medications.
    To round up this long detour of a story, I decided to try your mask. I also took your advice about dabbing undiluted tea tree oil on my acne as a spot treatment. It’s been about two weeks (hopefully I’m not jinxing myself!) and my face has really smoothed out! I still have scars, which I know will take time to fade (especially since I always pick at my face, bad bad me). One thing I love about this mask is the inclusion of vitamin e, since that will definitely help with the scarring.
    Anyways. Thank you so much for this. I’ve loved exploring your website!

  21. Britanie, this face mask was comforting in more ways than one. i was a bit desperate last night after the ill-prepared nixing of my La Roche acne products. I had read an article on oil cleansing a few days ago and was convinced of never again stripping my skin of oils or putting anything on my face i wouldn’t eat. i cleansed with coconut oil on the spot and my skin seemed to thank me immediately, it felt great and already my oil production was under control! after a few days though, i noticed that i need something more moisturizing. the coconut oil – as luscious and wonderful as it is – was too drying.
    so last night i was looking for an emergency soothing mask with stuff i already have until i could get to the store for a more soothing oil to moisturize with. enter: your recipe! now, we live overseas and will be here for many years to come. i recently purchased nutmeg for a thanksgiving casserole and remember thinking “why am i buying nutmeg, it’s going to sit around for a whole year!” i almost looked for another casserole recipe, but thank God i stuck with the nutmeg one. last night, i read your three simple ingredients, praised the Lord and almost did a jig about the nutmeg. as i massaged the mask into my skin and resisted eating it (mostly), my soul was comforted too, it felt so christmasy and cozy! i don’t know how you came up with it, but i love it and had to do it again tonight. in fact, it’s on my face right now. thank you for posting it. this is a very special chapter in my life i will never forget. i would love to hear your advice on moisturizing oils that don’t clog the skin. i bought flax seed oil today with 10% pomagranate in it, it feels better on my skin than the coconut, but still seems like i could use something even richer. remember, i have acne issues though :-). thanks again.

  22. Using the right diet it iis possible to help reduce blemishes.

    It may also help have more radiant and even skin tone. Spit iin its natural state contains various minerals which help fight
    any type off infection.

  23. Hi Britanie,
    I recently had a really bad breakout. All am using are products by simple as I have very sensitive skin and seem to make things worse if I try anything new. I really want to get rid of the red marks and spots before I go back to school in a week. Are there any tips or advise you could possibly give me?
    Thanks again

  24. Hi Britanie
    I desperately need some advise. I recently had a really bad breakout of spots. I have just been using products by simple as I usually makes things worse by using to many new products. I still have some spots but also red marks which have already been there for a month. I go back to school in a week so I was hoping you would have some tips or advise.

    Thanks again
    I would really appreciate any advise

  25. Hi Britanie – Thanks for this lovely DIY. I was curious how often you do this mask? I have been doing battle with this horrible dry red patch on the side of my face for more than two years. It seems like I’ve tried everything to get rid of it.

    For the last few days I’ve been doing twenty minutes of manuka money twice a day, and after reading this post I’m thinking about adding vitamin e and nutmeg to the mix. Do you think it would be too much to do so frequently?

    many thanks!

  26. Britanie, this is the best mask ever! I have eczema on my hands and nothing was working and I was having to use steroids every couple of weeks. I used this recipe and the flare-ups are gone! Thank you soo much!

  27. Wow! I need this face mask for my face . It persuades me to do on that. The steps is so easy to do. It’s a blessing I saw your information. I’ll do on that soon and promoting to my friends who also struggling on their face like me. Thanks! God bless.

  28. I used to wash my face with a simple soap – OMG please dont do this! My dermatologist recommended the organic Citrus Clear products – I used their face wash and the Citrus Clear Pore Mask. Usually my face feels tight when I use a mask, and its tough to be scraping the product off. Not with Citrus Clear. My face felt soft & moisturized.

    I went to bed right after and slept for about 4 hours. I went to the restroom and was amazed at how my face looked in the mirror. Prior to use of the mask, I noticed a red lump that clearly wanted to cause trouble.

    There was no trace of it now. I’m serious.
    Also, there was a blemish on my cheek that reduced so no one could notice it! I was so happy!

  29. As a twenty-something with occasional breakouts and a preference for all natural beauty products, I highly recommend Citrus Clear. My combination skin — dry on my cheeks and chin and oily in my T-zone — usually forces me to switch between moisturizing and acne-drying wash every couple of weeks. With Citrus Clear, I use their Sensitive Face Wash and its all I need – JUST ONE PRODUCT! It gives me a deep pore cleanse without harsh chemicals stripping the natural oils on my dry spots.

  30. Right I can’t afford Manuka honey but that’s what credit card are for as right now my face is bright red and has been for far too long. I am fed up of people asking me if I’m hot or have a caught the sun! I’m going to buy the ingredients after work and give it a go tonight, so will let you know how it goes! Do you have any other advice for skin eczema, especially on the scalp. I’ve had it on my scalp now for years and can’t seem to find anything that will help. At the moment it’s just incredibly dry and flaky which isn’t very attractive 😦 Any advice would be amazing!

    1. Hey! Have you tried Seabuckthorn Oil for your eczema? I would also try tea tree oil or lavender oil for your scalp.. mixed in with the seabuckthorn oil!

  31. Hi Britanie,

    I have been using this mask for almost a week now, with special attention to the eczema/irriation around my eyes. I did full face the first few days, and am now only putting it on the trouble spots. THIS MASK IS A MIRACLE!! I can’t believe that in a few days, the irriation and redness has come down so much.

    I should also mention that while I do have moderate to severe eczema around the eyes, the reason why I started using this mask is because my the cloth eye mask I use for sleeping started irritating the skin around my eyes. My boyfriend had washed it recently after camping using a small amount of our fragrance free/dye free detergent, and my skin reacted really badly. I’m talking red, itchy, flaky, raised, bumpy skin. Not only does this facial mask work on eczema, but also just general irriation of the skin. Now, if only I could find a way to fade the dark spots left on my legs from eczema outbreaks…

    This DIY mask has really opened my eyes to trying all natural products. I currently use CeraVe lotion, and while it is hydrating, I am now realizing has a lot of ingredients that I should not be putting on my skin. I’m now on a search to find a better facial/body all natural skin line that won’t completely break the bank.

    Thank you so much!!! I will be using this mask for the rest of my lifetime.

    Also, FYI, I found the Maruka honey at Whole Foods for the same price. No shipping involved!

  32. This must smell INCREDIBLE while applied : )

    I feel for you, eczema is a bitch! While I’m always on the other side of the spectrum, very acne-prone, my friend suffers from eczema, and boy, sometimes she’s in so much pain and discomfort. We’ve recently converted her to some Clinique products and they’re helping some, but as we all know, there’s no all round magic fixes.

    And dairy, woah. I’m glad you noticed such a clear link between you reintroducing some and eczema and dryness – I try to avoid dairy at all costs, despite my love for it, because after reading about it tons, it’s really is EVIL, not only for our skin, but it seems to manifest its demonic ways on the outside the most.

    Love the post!

  33. I’ve been dealing with eczema for a year now, ichy red and that burning sensation on your face Urghh, soo I’m gonna try this!! Cheers britannie

  34. Hi Britanie, I have a recurring case of eczema and I grew tired of all the harmful lotions and medications so today I tried your honey mask, and it immediately soothed the worst of the swollen itchy skin, and changed the angry red color to a light pink spots here and there… Cant wait to see what happens after my second application

  35. Oh my goodness I have to say thank you so much for this! My skin that is usually sensitive and clear has been suffering this winter and I had a bad breakout of eczema and acne that would not go away no matter what I tried for about 3 weeks. After 3 masks it is completely cleared up and I feel/look amazing. I’m sharing this miracle recipe with everyone. Thank you thank you thannnk you! 🙂

  36. This is a long overdue thank you to Britanie for the nutmeg/honey/vitamin E mask for eczema! I tried it back in December 2014 when I was desperate for relief from a very ugly and painful outbreak that lasted nearly a month. It was so bad; my face was stiff like Plaster of Paris and had a grey/black undertone above and below my lips like my face was being outlined to grow a goatee. I was mortified! The mask took away the pain and redness for me, and I was able to sleep so well after using it for one week. This mask was such a lifesaver for me. I am so thankful I found this page while doing a Google search! I knew it could only help me since I was at wit’s end. Thank you so much, Britanie!!!

    My journey with eczema is a long one, but I hope what I am about to share helps others who are suffering…I started having eczema form on and around my lips in June 2010 shortly after having a huge “silver” (mercury) filling on one of my teeth. I thought the filling may have been what caused it, but after seeing 2 dermatologists that were no help with the ointments they prescribed, I chalked it up to stress or something minor and spent each day and night in miserable pain, unable to eat, drink, sleep, talk, yawn, do anything comfortably for almost 2 WHOLE YEARS before I finally got some answers from a chiropractor. Yes, a chiropractor…

    May 2012, the chiropractor was able to determine I am highly allergic to wheat/gluten, yeast, as well as metals (the mercury filling!) with Kinesiology methods as well as an amazing program called Emotox – not the traditional allergy testing involving invasive needles. I immediately switched to a gluten-free diet, including gluten-free body care products which I absolutely love (, and as soon as I was able, I had all “silver” fillings removed in September 2012 by a dentist that actually knew what he was doing (No joke, it was like an exorcism!) and my eczema disappeared for at least a year. When it came back in October 2013, I was devastated but was under such extreme stress with my job and family life; I knew this was very much a reason for it. It was very much like what I described above and was the first time I had that strange “goatee” appearance. Back to the chiropractor I went. This time, I was told I must be eating too many nightshade veggies, which was true because having to go gluten-free when it seems everyone else around you can eat anything and everything, the menu is so limited. I should also mention I have been extremely allergic to seafood for the past 10 years or so (Throat closes up.), which it took a while to make the connection with the mercury filling causing so much trouble as plenty of fish are loaded with mercury! Anyway, avoiding extreme tomato products like salsas and spaghetti sauces as well as a having a couple of adjustments and supplements from the chiropractor did the trick that time…

    April 2014, I had a little flareup from what I believe were the extreme amounts of pollen in the air. I realized this happened in previous Aprils as well, but a visit to the chiropractor (again, adjustments and supplements) fixed me right up. It will be interesting to see if I have another flareup in the coming days, though I am happy to be extra prepared with Britanie’s miracle mask!! My recent December outbreak was also cleared up by chiropractic care and this wonderful mask. Just amazes me…

    I would like to close with this:
    1) Dermatologists prescribe petroleum-based products; petroleum-based products cause eczema; they know this, but how else would they be in business if they didn’t continue to prescribe them? So many people don’t realize there are plenty of doctors out there that are more concerned about making the big bucks and don’t care if they put precious lives at risk. Same goes for all the commercial products and food on store shelves; our health and well-being are not the priorities of these companies; money is. Had I not gone to the chiropractor and done my research, I am sure I would still be suffering regularly, trying the latest ointment prescriptions that only work temporarily. Chiropractors look at the whole picture and get to the root of the problem instead of mask the symptoms like today’s modern medicine does; I highly recommend finding one that does Kinesiology and has the Emotox program; I am pretty sure any that have Brimhall Method certification do this, though Kinesiology is a pretty common practice these days.

    2) The Healing-Scents website I listed above has the most natural, handmade products I have ever found, made with the power of essential oils (Yes, they were put on Earth for us to use, not spray with weed killer.); their Eczema & Psoriasis Oil works very well on any facial outbreaks, while their Eczema & Psoriasis Cream is great for outbreaks on other body parts. Kathleen, the owner, is happy to help in any way to steer her customers in the right direction and even make products custom to individual needs. I highly recommend!

    3) As you can imagine, I have a whole medicine chest full of products I’ve tried over the years for eczema. I found Hyland’s Homeopathic Sulphur Rashes & Eczema tabs are very good for outbreaks. Also, organic extra-virgin coconut oil is very soothing, especially on flareups that burn. Homemade, all natural ingredients are the way to go for anything and everything.

    Sorry to write an essay here, but if I knew then what I know now about eczema and how/where to find relief, I would have saved a whole lot of stress and money. Hope this helps at least one person out there if not everyone who reads it. Britanie, I cannot thank you enough for your very informative, creative, wonderful website and mask! May love and peace be yours always.

  37. My skin is clearer, pores are smaller, and the texture is MUCH smoother since I started using Citrus Clear’s “Pore & BlackHead Clay Mask”. Using this mask a few times a month as part of your routine really helps with any acne scarring and the condition of your skin. . It does feel warm and tingly while it’s on, but i kinda like that

  38. Is it okay to use it for a daily basis? Or you have any recommendation of how/ when to use it?

    1. It is okay if you are having a flare-up. I used it daily to treat my severe case. If you are not having a severe flare up, I would recommend using it once a week for maintenance!

  39. Thanks for the answer, would love to try it as long as I got the nutmeg. Suffering severe eczema for a long time now, I almost visit all the dermatologist here but unluckily no one gave me the best solution. I stick to the last derma I have for a years now, but the only thing she can help me is with that undying medications and unstoppable flare ups here and there. I’m tired of taking bunch of medicines in my entire life, just decided to find some answer through internet, that’s where your blog pop out. Hoping that the method you shared finally the answer to my problem. I’m so drepressed, I don’t go out to socialize or what. I’m ashame of what I look now and afraid of what they might think of me when they see me T_T

  40. strange to say but i used to have ezema or dandruff couldent tell on my eye brows. i have tried in the past to use honey but it just makes me itch i know its supposed to be good for your skin but does anyone know of any substitutes i can use cause i dont want to itch again.

  41. Hi! I was just wondering, does it matter if the Manuka honey is raw or not? Because I found Manuka honey but not raw Manuka honey, or is it better if I just use organic raw honey? Thanks! 🙂

  42. Hi! I was just wondering, does it have to be raw Manuka honey? Because I only found Manuka honey, or would it be better if I just used organic raw honey instead? Thanks! 🙂

  43. Thank you so much for posting this, I LOVE it.
    I’ve had eczema all my life and after having my baby girl it went crazy😕 after the first try my skin feels amazing. Do you have anything over getting rid of scars ?

  44. I have a very sensitive skin & pro breakout & have a lot of dark spots due to acne scars. One of my concerns, aging skin around my eyes. I used the Citrus Clear Skin Repair Moisturizer and after 2-3 days – the lines that’s been bothering me for quite a while is lessening & the dark spots on my cheeks start to lighten! my friends saw me & said you look blooming! that’s only 2-3 days of using the Citrus clear moisturizer.

  45. Hi I was reading your website and i was very impressed . I hope you can help me , I have been diagnosed with rosacea, I’m 52 and would like to also treat my skin for wrinkles and firmness if possible while I have this skin condition , Oh and your skin looks soft and velvety, whats your
    secret.? I would really appreciate a reply.
    Thank you.

  46. Thank you for such a wonderful article dear and from my side I want to say that i am using SheaMoisture shampoo from long for my hairs and its really effective.It will improve your hairs for sure so try it once people because it helps boost hydration while protecting distressed hair from environmental influences.

  47. This mask is amazing – thank you so much for sharing this! One question: how often can I use this mask? I used it once on Sunday then again on Monday morning because I loved it so much…maybe that’s too often? What are your thoughts?

  48. Your skin is also the first to let you know when something is not going right on the inside. The usual signs are acne, rashes, dry skin, eczema, psoriasis, sores, bruising, moles.By using natural DIY facial masks at home, you can minimize daily pollutants, bacteria, and other infections that may settle on your delicate skin.It make sure your skin is thoroughly clean and your pores are open. The best ways of doing this is to take a shower or use steam to clean and open pores.

  49. We us Manuka honey for treating our eczema within our family. Both myself and my son love it. We mix it in a recipe we made ourselves which uses Shea Butter and coconut oil. It’s smooth and cooling.
    We love it. Eczema is hard to treat and this is 100% organic and safe to use.

    Thanks for the great article.

  50. We love Manuka honey in our family. We use it in our own recipe to treat eczema for myself and my son. We mix it in our own recipe using Coconut oil and Shea butter. Its safe and lovely to use. Smooth and cooling and helps stop the itching.
    Great article.

  51. I don’t know if you’re still responding to comments on this post or not, but my eyelids are so dry and itchy I’m dying. Can you put this directly on your eyelids? I notice in your picture you don’t have it on your eyelids. If not, what can I put on them? Thanks.

    1. My eczema is all but resolved by taking immunotherapy medications except for my face and eyes and eyelids. So frustrating. The only thing that helps at this point is to get Le along shots about twice a year.

  52. Thank you so much dear Britanie Faith, my face was really red before but now it is a lot less red then before, not completely back to normal but so much better. Thank you so so much xD

  53. Home remedies can be really helpful for improving skin, and they barely have any reactions on the skin as mostly everything used in it is natural. I was looking out for home remedies to improve my skin as my skin is acne-prone and I will definitely try the remedy mentioned by you. Thank you for providing detailed information.

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