5 Steps To Grow Bold & Dramatic Eyebrows ~ Naturally

Hello Beauties,

In honor of my second article being published on Mind Body Green today called “The Key To Growing Bold & Dramatic Brows”, I wanted to feature my entire article here with more in-depth instructions and details. How to grow out brows has been one of my most highly requested blog post and I am bringing it to you today. I hope you all enjoy this and remember that this is for those who want bold brows… they are not for everyone! I hope you all enjoy and take a look at the before and after photos at the end of the post if you don’t believe that your brows can ever grow back! MINE SURE DID!

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The “must have” beauty accessory of 2014: Bold, dramatic, au naturel eyebrows. Models were rocking wild and intense eyebrows this year at September’s Fashion Week NYC!

Brows happen to be one of the most distinctive features that define the face and we spend a significant amount of time and money trying to get, grow, and maintain them.

Many women consider their eyebrows to be their most defining signature facial feature. Strong full eyebrows reflect a youthful appearance, look healthier and define your eyes and shape your face.

This highly coveted small hair strip above the eyes can be one of the most treasured beauty accessories. One has to only peruse the internet for a few minutes to see the availability of brow gels, “miracle growth formulas”, waxes, pencils, etc. on the market today. Sadly, many are full of undesirable ingredients, additives and preservatives. After years of overzealous plucking I embarked on a journey to “get my brows back” naturally.

Here are my 5 Steps and personal tips towards the goal of growing strong beautiful brows:

Step One: Willpower:

Put your tweezers down. No really. Don’t pluck any stray hairs…. at all. Nada. Don’t be afraid to let them grow out. If you are patient and give your brows a break without ANY tweezing for two to three months you could actually end up having healthier and thicker brows! For this in-between stage use an eyebrow pencil applied with short and light strokes to get you through this initial phase and to help enhance definition. Always choose a color that’s a shade or two lighter than your hair color.

Step Two: Diet:

Eat more fruits, green vegetables, highly nutritious foods and; ditch the junk food. Drink more water. You need to fortify your diet by eating foods rich in vitamins, antioxidants and phytonutrients. Favor foods from the rainbow as Dr. Frank Lipman recommends. Remember that hair growth and health is nurtured from the inside out.

Step Three: De-stress:

Yoga and Meditation are two of my favorite ways to get rid of daily tension and strengthen my body. Unresolved stress has been attributed to hair loss. According to the Times of India, there are specific asanas that benefit hair growth by increasing circulation of blood to the head. Doing simple breathing exercises can help to oxygenate and rejuvenate your hair and entire body.

Step Four: Nourish:

I use the combination of two natural products for conditioning my brows. At night after I cleanse, tone, and moisturize my face, I blend a tiny amount on my fingertip of CV Skinlabs Restorative Skin Balm (castor seed oil, Tri-Rescue Skin Complex, beeswax, Vitamin E and many other skin rejuvenating ingredients) with a drop of Banyan Botanicals Hair Oil (sesame & coconut oil, Ayurvedic hair healthy herbs: Bhringaraj, Brahmi, Amalaki, Hibiscus and Rose damascena). Using fingertips begin to gently massage the mixture into the hair follicles in circular motion. This will stimulate and nourish the hair growth at the root. Make sure to massage the area to the right and left of the brow where the hair is (was!) sparse. Then take an angled eyebrow brush and brush the brows in upwards strokes making sure that each hair is covered in the serum. Wipe off excess around the eye area. Use nightly for the best results. Another great recommendation for healthy hair and hair growth is Sun Potion He Shou Wu. Simply add to water, tea or coffee daily. It also helps with clearing skin! 

Step 5: Patience:

It takes time for hair regrowth. Did you know that if you pluck your brows the average time it takes for the delicate hair to grow back in can be nearly two months! You have heard it before but it’s worth mentioning again: Anything worthwhile is worth waiting for!

Here are before and after pictures of my brows before I implemented these 5 steps ~




I know that bold brows aren’t for everyone and honestly, all brows can be absolutely beautiful. No one type of brow is for every person. How do you feel about bold and dramatic brows? Please share all of your thoughts and questions in the comments section!



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Blog of Britanie Faith. Conscious and Unapologetic Living. Beauty & Skincare Addict. Curve/Plus Size Model and Self-Love Advocate. Creator of Concoctions. Lover of Herbalism, Photography, Fashion, Flowers, Glitter, Books, Dogs, Coffee. This blog features original and inspired concoctions, makeup and skincare reviews and step by step tutorials, recipes, tips, product reviews, life updates, musings, makeup looks, fashion, vintage finds, and my everyday life and all of it's joys and struggles.

22 thoughts on “5 Steps To Grow Bold & Dramatic Eyebrows ~ Naturally

  1. I’ve been thinking of growing my eyebrows out a bit but that in-between stage is so hard to get through! Thanks— this is exactly the kind of inspirational post I needed to see this middle stage through!

  2. I might want to give this a try! I’ve been relying on brow powder pretty heavily, since I was a little too eager with the tweezers as a teenager.

  3. I love bold brows! I’m currently growing mine out and it’s crazy the difference it makes to your face! Thanks for the follow Britanie!! Your blog was part of my inspiration to start my own blog 🙂 xx

  4. yaaaaas, girl. i’ve been waiting for this article since you announced it on instagram. i seriously can’t believe the before and after! they look awesomeee now. do you think i can use products like the acure line eraser or other oil blends besides your recommendations? i break out from soybean oil (cv skinlabs balm) and coconut oil (banyan hair oil).

  5. I love a strong brow, but I have naturally thin eyebrows–might try the products you recommended just for fun, though, and see if maybe there’s an improvement!

  6. I think they look great either way – but “bold” is definitely the right word for the new look! I love the natural look, and in a sea of coifed brows, they are totally brave and out of the ordinary. Super impressed with you Britanie – looking pretty as usual 🙂

  7. I’ve always wanted brows like yours! However I’m sort of stuck. I haven’t plucked in over a year and my brows still have patches with no hairs, so they look very uneven and odd. I’ve been using castor oil and recently coconut oil. I have improvedy diet dramatically, & I’m actually wanting to go raw vegan soon. My stress level is still high but better than it was in the past. Do you think I have improved them all that I can in this year? 😦 thank you for your post.

  8. You can def wear both types of brows, coz you’re a woman & you’re allowed to change your mind – even about your brows. 😉 My biggest issue is not to have too many fall outs when i’m taking my makeup off at night. *sigh*

  9. Wow! Beautiful brows! I’m from India and I wanted to share a tip we Indian girls stick by for faster growth of thicker, darker brows. I use a black kohl (kajal) stick/pencil dipped in castor oil and fill my brows the way I want them to grow. I leave it on overnight. It should’nt be drippin with oil or smudged up like burned brows – you might land with a disastrous pillow cover too. It works wonders. Results in less than 2 weeks. Give it a spin!

    1. That’s a neat tip! Can I use any kind of black eyeliner I have on hand or does it have to be the one you mentioned?

  10. Beautiful brows! How long did it take you to grow them out? I’m currently growing them out but it’s taking a very long time :/

    1. Replying to this late- so sorry! It took about a year to fully grow back but during that time within a few months I saw a drastic difference and they keep growing since….

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