CV Skinlabs: Review, Before & After Photos + Giveaway *CLOSED*


I had the pleasure of meeting and chatting with Britta Aragon, founder + creator of CV Skinlabs during the Night For Green Beauty Event in NYC. She gave me some products and samples to try out and I fell in love with everything so much that I purchased a full size of the Calming Moisture Cream (which I have been using every single day on my face & neck). I also use the Restorative Balm, Rescue + Relief Spray and the Body Repair Lotion literally every single day since receiving.

Behind The Brand:

Britta discovered her passion for promoting safe self-care through her experience as a caregiver during her father’s eight-year battle with cancer. A survivor of Hodgkin’s disease herself, she understands firsthand the devastating effects cancer and cancer treatments can have on the skin. When she tried products specifically targeted for “sensitive skin,” they were often laden with potentially harmful chemicals that actually irritated her father’s fragile skin. She became acutely aware of how devastating the side effects from drugs and medical treatments could be. Inspired and determined to help others, she founded Cinco Vidas in 2008, and dedicated her work to her father’s legacy.

My Experience:

I may be a “beauty blogger” but I am human and I do experience reactions and skin problems! I am sharing these photos because it’s important to know that there are natural products out there to help with skin issues!

I recently had a horrible product reaction (the only downside to testing many products!) which resulted in a severe case of contact dermatitis on my face. I ended up at the doctors office because the pain was so bad I literally couldn’t handle the burning and itching. The doctor prescribed both oral and topical steroids for the dermatitis. I opted to not do either and instead I have been using only the Restorative Balm and Calming Moisture Cream on my face and within just two days the dermatitis went from severe to moderate and now another day later it is barely visible. Don’t believe me? The proof is in the pudding…

(the first photo is yellow because it was taken inside and the other two were outside. There is no editing on any of these!)

dermatitis copy

Contact Dermatitis Before and After Photos Using CV Skinlabs:

  • Day 1: I woke up with my face entirely swollen, my eyes could barely open and both of my cheeks, especially the left side was red and blistered.
  • Day 2: After using the Calming Moisture Cream and the Rescue + Relief Spray the redness on the cheeks started to dissipate, the redness went down and the itching subsided immensely. My eyelids also felt and started to look much less swollen.
  • Day 3: I added the Restorative Balm on top of the Calming Moisture for the night and woke up with my skin looking drastically better, no more swollen eyes and there is even a glow to my cheeks!

My skin is still not 100% and I don’t expect it to be for awhile because this dermatitis was incredibly severe and has made my skin extra sensitive. I have had a hard time wearing makeup or using anything other than CV Skinlabs on my face. I am so thankful to have these products in my life at a time like this when my skin literally needs the ingredients.

I can honestly say that I have found my holy grail skincare brand for my sensitive skin. I recommend all four products in this line and literally can’t be without any of them.


In honor of my serious love affair with CV Skinlabs I am doing a giveaway with the very first product I fell in love with from this line: The Restorative Balm.This little baby helps to keep my lips kissable, my cuticles strong, my hands soft and best of all it keeps any eyelid eczema I am prone to completely at bay!

If you suffer from eczema, dermatitis, dry or sensitive skin: YOU NEED TO TRY THIS




One full size (0.5 oz) Restorative Skin Balm

Advanced Therapy For Burned, Wounded, Irritated Skin

One-hundred percent natural, non-petrolatum, cure-all balm instantly softens severely dry and chapped skin. Perfect for eczema, scars, lips and cuticles. A favorite among celebrity makeup artists.

This petrolatum-free, nourishing salve moisturizes and helps protect from environmental aggressors. Instantly softens severely dry, rough and chapped skin including lips, cuticles, eczema, cuts, scrapes, IV areas, abrasions, chaffing, new scars and any other areas needing TLC.

How To Win:

  1. Leave a comment telling me if you are familiar with CV Skinlabs and why you are interested in winning this product!
  2. “Like” my Facebook page (If you already like it, please share this giveaway on your wall or with friends. If you don’t have a Facebook page then subscribe to my blog via email which is located on the sidebar of the main page.)

The winner will be randomly picked and announced back here on this post on 11/28/13


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Blog of Britanie Faith. Conscious and Unapologetic Living. Beauty & Skincare Addict. Curve/Plus Size Model and Self-Love Advocate. Creator of Concoctions. Lover of Herbalism, Photography, Fashion, Flowers, Glitter, Books, Dogs, Coffee. This blog features original and inspired concoctions, makeup and skincare reviews and step by step tutorials, recipes, tips, product reviews, life updates, musings, makeup looks, fashion, vintage finds, and my everyday life and all of it's joys and struggles.

75 thoughts on “CV Skinlabs: Review, Before & After Photos + Giveaway *CLOSED*

  1. I first heard about this brand through Kristen Arnett from the Green Beauty Team. They seem like great products. The balm sounds perfect for my sensitive skin, especially my hands and lips that get terribly dry as the winter rolls in. I would LOVE to try it. I am already a Facebook fan. 🙂

  2. OMG you poor thing! I’m so happy these products work magic on your skin, I can’t imagine having that sort of redness/dermatitis..I’ve never heard of this brand but from time to time I get some strange spots of redness on my cheeks and i’d love to try this balm and see how it works 🙂 I’m subscribed via email 🙂 xx

    1. Yeah it has been AWFUL. I have dealt with a lot of physical pain in my life but this reaction was so painful I was in tears. I am SO thankful I have these products to help me!! I would definitely try these whenever you have redness or irritation.. they are magical!

  3. I first hear of CV Skinlabs from this blog post. I am interested in winning this product because it will help soothe my skin which can get irritated from the skin care products I use to manage my acne — especially in the fall/winter months.

  4. This is the first time I am hearing about this product. I am very interested in trying the products you mentioned as I have been suffering from peri oral / peri ocular dermatitis for over a year now. I can’t really put any products on my skin as everything irritates it and makes it red, scaly, itchy and bumpy. I have been trying cleanser after cleanser, as well as moisturizers to use and not irritate my skin. Dermatitis does not like heavy creams and products with oils in them. I’m still searching:(

  5. I’m not familiar with CV Skinlabs but definitely need to be! I have eczema which has randomly been getting worse over the years. It comes and goes and I can’t figure out what is triggering it. I have a bunch of allergy tests scheduled but really think I need to be using this instead.

    I’m a Facebook fan too! (Did you want separate comments??)

  6. I have heard of CV Skinlabs, but haven’t tried any of their products. I’d love to try this balm because I suffer from eczema and it has been especially bad on my hands, arms and face recently. I’m sorry to hear you’ve had such a painful outbreak of dermatitis, but I’m glad you were able to find an all-natural solution.

  7. I am so telling my mom about this. I can pretty much put anything on my face or wash with anything and I’m fine (I mean, I’ll break out from some stuff but it takes a lot)…. my mom told me that even olive oil washes feel “too strong” for her face! Thanks lady!

  8. I first heard about CV skinlabs from this blog post. I have extremely sensitive and eczema & acne prone skin. It seems like these products would work well for my skin, which is why I’m interested in winning this product. I’ve been a fan on fb for a while 🙂

  9. You have a new subscriber here! I would love this as I went on holiday five weeks ago and had an allergic reaction to the awful detergent they used. My eyes have been so irritated and my skin has been cracked and swollen. I’m on steroids and eye ointments and eye drops and I hate it as I’m usually a totally green gal! I don’t know if you’d post to a UK winner but I would love to try this out. I’ve spent a fortune these past five weeks and nothing, green or prescription, is kicking it. x

  10. Hi Britanie, hope you’re feeling better! I would love to try the CV skinlabs restorative skin balm because just like you, I have super sensitive skin that has surprisingly been reacting poorly to quite a few natural, chemical-free makeup/skincare since I made the switch from conventional products. I tend to get a horrible itch around the lips and nose area and my skin starts to peel/bleed once in every 2-3 weeks, i’m suspecting it’s a side effect from too much rosehip/tocopherol but I honestly can’t be sure. I haven’t been wearing makeup for 2 weeks now due to the fear of skin reactions. I haven’t heard of CV skinlabs since i’m in the UK so it would be really nice to be able to give this a try and see if it works. x

  11. Oh, poor you! I had a really bad reaction to a product a few weeks ago – I’d started taking for granted that organic/natural products can still cause reactions on my sensitive skin, to be honest. I’m so pleased you’ve found something that helps – I can’t believe how quickly your skin calmed down!
    I’m impressed with CV skinlabs write up – I haven’t heard of them before but would love to try their products.
    I’ve liked your page and would love to enter the giveaway.
    As I noted above, my skins is sensitive and very dry as winter is closing in, so this sounds like heaven!

  12. So sorry to hear about your skin reaction, but I’m glad you’re on the mend now. I’ve not heard of this brand before, but it sounds amazing! I’d like to try it because I have drier than usual skin this winter, plus severely chapped lips that nothing seems to remedy. The corners of my mouth are red and cracked…so pretty!

  13. First off, i hope you’re doing much better Britanie!
    I know all too well how bad those reactions feel 😦 I’ve only just now heard of CV Skinlabs from this post and I would be so so incredibly grateful to try this! I have such sensitive and acne prone skin and get a reaction from anything and everything.
    It would be such a wonderful wonderful treat for my skin that I have certainly put through a lot!
    Best to you, love ❤

  14. Love, PLEASE do patch tests before testing a new product on your face. Patch test on the inside of your elbow. If you have no reaction after several days, patch test on a small area of your face. Only when your skin doesn’t react to that test should you try out the product on your whole face. Feel better soon!

  15. I got some samples in a goodebox and fell in love with the restorative balm. I just bought a full size tube. This stuff is fabulous, especially with cold weather descending.

  16. I have never heard of this brand and am anxious to try it. I have awful eczema on my ring finger and would love to see if this can finally combat it! I have tried many other products with minimal success. Thanks for doing the giveaway!

  17. I am so sorry to hear that! I thought you test mostly natural products? Are they still that harmful? If it is, then that’s scary to hear! I should be more conscious of the products I use. I also have sensitive skin and have battling severe acne & blemishes since my teenage years (I’m 25 now), so when I read a product that helps, I immediately jump on the bandwagon. Sometimes it is good to hear consumer’s opinion but it doesn’t mean the products would work on my skin. However, I have been dealing with my skin problems for a long time, so I get desperate and have wishful thinking. I recently heard about natural products and wanted to try them to see if they are better than the products with a bunch of chemicals. Your review seems honest and valid, and many of the ingredients for the Restorative Skin Balm seem beneficial. I would love to try this and hopefully find my holy grail product! Thanks so much for sharing and best wishes 🙂

  18. I’m really interested in this line especially after reading your review but I’m wondering if the Calming Moisture will be too much for my oily skin or no? I have more combination skin so it’s really hard to determine before actually buying a product. I’m sorry to hear about your reaction ): I hope it heals completely soon.

  19. Oh geez, that looks so painful! Sorry you’ve been enduring that but I’m glad you’ve found something effective! I’ve never heard of this brand but would love to win it so I could give it to my friend who is currently going through chemo. I’m sure she could use a little boost, since it’s tough on the skin!

  20. I have read about CV Skin Labs on many blogs and I have wanted to try the Calming Face Moisturizer for months! I have read great reviews and now seeing the remarkable improvements with you Britanie, I am a believer!!!! This is an awesome giveaway!!!

  21. Just came across your blog today and I’m having a wonderful time reading your reviews and learning about new products! I have not tried the CV line, but I have super dry/sensitive skin and this product looks great! I use a lot of products from the Acure line. You should check them out if you haven’t already! Thanks for your time! 🙂

  22. I have never tried this product or heard of it before. I do have sensitive skin and often have trouble with new products. 🙂

  23. As a natural product junkie, this sounds amazing! First time to find your blog and first time to hear of the CV line. Love your site and all of your shared knowledge!

  24. Oh no 😦 Day 1 picture looked so painful!
    I’ve never heard of CV Skinlabs before but I’m interested in winning this product beecause I’ve been experiencing random skin allergies to things like lavender oil and honey O_O which never happened to me before! I think it’s because I’m getting off of my blood medication, so my body’s reacting to everything now…. boo. Thank you for the chance to win CV Skinlabs! 😀

  25. this is the first time i’ve heard of the brand but i mean a picture is worth a thousand words right? i’m entering because i have sensitive, combo skin prone to breakouts around that time of the month. i currently don’t have any treatments outside of sandalwood face packs i make myself!

  26. I’ve had something very similar happen to me except my whole face swelled up and my eyes swelled closed for 2 weeks and I had to go on steroids to bring it down, and it was awful. That incidence was what started me on my natural journey. I have never heard of this brand but my skin gets severely dry in the winter so that I have to use just water and tons of almond oil because my skin hurts so much, am desperate to find something that will help my skin. Especially since I’ve tried soooooooooo many products and all of them have just dried or irritated my sensitive skin even more. I also get horrible dry skin on my eyelids, I thought I was the only one who experienced these things too! Thanks for bringing my attention to this brand I will definitely look further into it.

  27. Oh my dear god bless are a brave woman and thank you so much for doing this post and introducing me to this brand.i want to win it for my mom .She is going through a lot of pain everyday because of her skin problems and allergy. I have bought hundreds of products to treat her terribly swollen dry skin..I guess she has the most dry sensitive skin on earth but nothing has helped so far. I pray this product could wotk for her and even if I dont win I am gonna buy it.fingers crossed still.i sm email subscriber

  28. I’ve never heard of CV Skinlabs prior to your blog post but I’m very interested in the products because I have eczema on my hands and dermatitis on my forehead/scalp. I get painful little red lumps (in addition to a super scaly scalp) near my hairline and I think the balm would be just perfect for using on my eczema breakouts on my hands as well as the sores from dermatitis. Thanks for this giveaway! Good luck everyone!

  29. That looks so painful. I’m glad you found something to help. I haven’t used CV Skinlabs products but would love to try this. My skin is so dry at this time of year that my lips become painful. My cheeks and chin often look like I have rosacea but I don’t. Maybe this will help. I have also shared this post on my FB page.

  30. I’ve never heard of this brand but it looks awesome. I am currently pregnant and having some annoying hormonal breakouts so the calming skin cream sounds great. I also have extremely dry hands so would love to win the balm. Subscribe to your blog and follow you on FB.

  31. This is the first that I have heard about this product line & from your results, it is a miracle worker. I would love to try this product on my combination skin that can get a little “angry” in the dry winter months…
    Thank you for posting & I hope your face is back to normal!

  32. I actually got samples of their products in a subscription box and just got around to trying them out a couple weeks ago. That balm was a real standout. I was honestly a little confused when I saw the texture but I used it on my cuticles and lips and was shocked at how much of a difference it made overnight. I hope your face has fully healed! I liked you on FB.

  33. this might be my rescue (for my skin, my student budget, for my red nose!). one month ago I broke my nose and had to wear a cast, since then the skin between my nose and mouth is dry and never seems to heal. I tried eucerin (took me a moment to get the courage to the non-clean-products again, because I just started cleaning out the skincare cabinet) and hoped for the best and of course it did not work. I would be the happiest little rednosebunny, if I could try it! did not even know cv skinlabs until your blog. magnificent!
    Nonfacebook but officially getting a mail-dove from now on:)

  34. I recently received a sample of the restorative balm and LOVE it. I use it on my lips and cuticles which have been so dry lately. I have to say the results have been fantastic. Would love to win a bottle of this to get me through the cold winter months up here in Portland.

  35. What a miracle worker! I’ve not heard of CV Labs and I have sensitive skin too so I’d like to try it. Who knows, it might also be the remedy to my dry, itchy legs? Thank you for this!

  36. This sounds right on the spot! Lately I’ve had a weird scaling and flaking reaction on my eyebrow area, and I live with someone who gets crocodile hands in winter. This needs to get checked out…

  37. Aw, so sorry to hear about the dermatitis. I had a bout of that earlier this year except it was on my ears, too, and for no apparent reason. It took a while to get rid of it, so it was so nice to hear that you found something to take away the itch and puffiness so quick. Wish I heard of the balm sooner! Thanks for the recommend! 🙂

  38. I received a few CV Skinlabs samples in a recent Goodebox but haven’t had the chance to try them yet. I’m sorry that you had contact dermatitis, but I’m happy to see the quick results that you got from the CV balm and cream!

  39. I have not heard of CV Labs before but in the past month after being sick, and just rundown from university stress, I have been experiencing eczema and severely dry skin on my face and body. I went to my doctor who prescribed a steroid cream but I have been searching for a natural alternative and this sounds perfect! I am subscribed via email and follow on Instagram! 🙂

  40. Ohh you said it was caused by a product reaction. (disregard my prev question). I’m so sorry! Could you possibly share which product caused it? For us sensitive folks, it would be good info

  41. this is a dream post for me! i have struggled with eczema, acne and generally extremelyyyy sensitive skin my whole life + would be so incredibly grateful to try out CV lab (which I had not heard about until your post).
    You’re the best Britanie and I hope you’re feeling better 🙂

  42. That’s amazing!! I haven’t heard of CV skin labs, however, I struggle with eczema on my face and would love to kick the steroids once and for all…I always seem to go back to them because I cannot find a natural alternative that works as well. Thank you for the giveaway:)

  43. I have heard of CV skin labs but haven’t tried before…. I would love to try because I love trying natural products and your experience with CV skin labs and the results made me want to try it even more!

  44. This is the first I’ve heard of CV Skin Labs but I would be so so excited to try these products! I’ve been struggling with ridiculously sensitive skin for a very long time and to win would honestly be such a gift!

  45. I’ve heard of CV Skin Labs but have not tried anything. I would love to win this because my daughter has terribly sensitive skin and gets frequent rashes and irritations. My dermatologist prescribed a steroid cream for her (of course), but I don’t want to use this on her. I don’t do Facebook but I already subscribe to your blog via email.

  46. I haven’t used any of the products before, but I have heard some really good reviews and I have combination sensitive skin so I think it would be a miracle product for me!

  47. Thank you so much for this lovely post, Britanie! My skin is so sensitive and just ugly and bad right now :(. I would like to try something that could help. I had never heard of CV Skin Labs before but I would be so so grateful to win

  48. I first became aware of CV Skinlabs through
    It looks like it has done wonders to heal your skin…hope you’re no longer experiencing pain or discomfort!
    My face looks like it’s molting–peeling, angry, irritated. I’m having an unusually adverse reaction to the abrupt change in weather. Hoping this will save my skin!
    I like you on Facebook and shared this on my wall 🙂

  49. I have acne and sensitive skin and would love to try this product after seeing your before and after photos. Amazing! Thanks for the chance! I now subscribe. Glad I found your site!

  50. I’m sorry you had such a severe, painful reaction. So nice to know that you were able to avoid the prescriptions and get relief with the CV Skinlabs products. I think the first time I really learned about CV Skinlabs was through information online about the Night for Green Beauty event. During the winter I usually experience dry, itchy skin — this can also mean scaly and stinging for some parts of my body. Sounds like several of Ms. Aragon’s products might really help! I’m curious about Calming Moisture or the Balm for my face as well. With the cooler temperatures, my blemish- and redness-prone skin is also much more dry. Thank you for sharing, for offering this giveaway, and for giving an option for those of us without Facebook! I’ll be subscribing to your blog.

  51. I haven’t heard of CV Skin Labs before now, but that balm sounds amazing. My lips and cuticles are drying out already since it’s almost Winter. I’m actually very tempted to purchase the calming moisture since my skin can become irritated easily.

  52. I hadn’t heard of CV Skinlabs until the Night for Green Beauty event in NYC, but I am intrigued. The line is simple but chock full of clean ingredients and it’s nice to know that the founder has personal experience with sensitive skin. I’m interested in trying this line because the products all sound so soothing and, with winter coming up fast, whose skin couldn’t benefit from some extra TLC?

  53. I haven’t heard of this brand before! But judging from your post it sounds pretty awesome 🙂 I’d love to try it because I loove lip products! And my lips tend to get dry in the winter (like most people’s do 😛 hehe). And I would love to try this brand! I’ve liked you on Facebook 🙂 love seeing your posts

  54. I got a few samples in my previous Goodebox and I have been using the sample of the restorative balm on my acne scars. It has helped but the sample was tiny and I am quickly running out. I would love to get my hands on more of this but the price has been putting me off.

  55. I’m experiencing my first real winter in 4 years, and my sensitive skin is suffering for it. I’m looking for some heavy duty but gentle moisturizers, and this seems like a great option!

  56. I’ve I’ve been wanting to try CV Skinlabs for a while. I’ve always had really super sensitive skin. My skin needs extra help in winter with the cold weather here in new york combined with the drying heat in my apartment. Thanks for the fantastic giveaway, Britanie!

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