5 Remedies To Help Calm Your Nerves 


Anxiety can be SUCH a bitch. I’m just going to put it like that because to be completely honest, there really is no nice way to convey the discomfort it can bring when it arrives (always uninvited). It can feel debilitating and make you feel like you’re not in control. Ever heard the song “Where Is My Mind” by The Pixies? Yeah, it’s like that.


At random times (especially when stressed, overtired, and even when you are feeling fine) thoughts race and ruminate, it feels like a war in your brain. I know this feeling and have to work daily at combating it myself. Because like millions of other people, I suffer from anxiety and have made it one of my missions to find solutions and help along the way. Anxiety runs in families and mine is no exception. According to the National Institute of Health, Anxiety Disorders affect over 40 million people in the US alone! So don’t ever feel alone if you occasionally or often suffer. 

There are so many things that I do to make sure to keep anxiety at bay. Here are some additional skills I’ve learned as well as some of the products I recommend. Keep in mind that I am not a Doctor or Health Care Professional. These are strategies and products that help me along the way. Always check with your Doctor before experimenting with any alternative treatments.

  • Read the book Hope And Help For Your Nerves by Dr. Claire Weekes. By far the best book I have found that describes anxiety like I could never do myself. It makes me feel comforted every time I read and re-read lines. I keep a copy with me in my purse for quick reference.
  • Figure out a way to get restorative sleep. This is a tough one for millions of people too! I have Fibromyalgia and this condition makes restorative sleep a gift when it happens. Try short naps and meditate daily.
  • Limit caffeine to one or two cups per day and never at night.
  • Exercise daily. Even if it’s just walking around the neighborhood or up and down the stairs. Get your fresh air and focus on gratitude and what’s working in your life.
  • Surround yourself with people that you love and care about. People that have anxiety are usually some of the most sensitive and loving individuals. And that being said, very often pick up negative energy and tend to “over feel” other people’s suffering and take it on as if it was their own. Just by being aware of this, it can help you to not take it on.

Here are my current favorite remedies to help calm nerves!!!


  1. Allergy Research Groups Zen – Zen contains two powerful ingredients: L-Theanine (found in Green Tea) and GABA. Taking this during stressful times or every day for general anxiety can be extremely helpful. I have gone through three bottles of this so far and keep re-ordering as I notice when I am not on it that I am more prone to panic attacks and general uneasiness.
  2. Organic India Tulsi TeaOh, Tulsi Tea, also known as Holy Basil, is one of my all time favorite herbs in the world. I only first discovered it a year and a half ago and have never looked back. This is one of those teas that when you don’t drink it, you notice a difference immediately in your mood. Just one cup of this when I’m stressed out helps to instantly calm me.
  3. Lotus Wei Inner Peace Anointing Oil – It is no secret how much I love Lotus Wei. Let’s be honest… I’m obsessed. I love everything from the entire line but lately I have been collecting the Anointing Oils. They can be used as natural perfumes and applied easily by rubbing on the wrists and behind the ears. My favorite anointing oil is Inner Peace as it helps almost instantly when I am feeling overwhelmed. It relieves heart palpitations and helps to balance my entire nervous system.
  4. Bali Botanical Lavender Oil – Diffusing Lavender which helps so much to soothe my nerves. It always makes my house smell AMAZING! Dab a drop onto my pulse points, blend together and take deep inhales. This helps immediately with stress and anxiety. Apply a small amount to my pillow cases before bed. Mix with a carrier oil and apply to the bottoms of my feet before sleep to help with insomnia.
  5. Uma Oils Pure Calm Wellness Oil – Everything Shrankla makes is perfection. I am a huge fan of her Energy Oil but recently started using the Calm Oil on the bottoms of my feet every night and it is so potent that within 10 mins of applying I feel a wave of tranquility. The scent is divine and can also be applied anywhere on the body. I often like to use this on my shoulders and back of neck for added calmness. It’s great for Insomnia, too!


Have you tried any of these? What are your go-to’s for calming your nerves? 

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Blog of Britanie Faith. Conscious and Unapologetic Living. Beauty & Skincare Addict. Curve/Plus Size Model and Self-Love Advocate. Creator of Concoctions. Lover of Herbalism, Photography, Fashion, Flowers, Glitter, Books, Dogs, Coffee. This blog features original and inspired concoctions, makeup and skincare reviews and step by step tutorials, recipes, tips, product reviews, life updates, musings, makeup looks, fashion, vintage finds, and my everyday life and all of it's joys and struggles.

14 thoughts on “5 Remedies To Help Calm Your Nerves 

  1. Thank you so much for this post!!! I suffer from anxiety and tend to overthink A LOT. I was doing some researching on ways to help me cope with it and decided to check my emails and saw your article in my inbox. You have made my day (night)!!!!

    1. You are so welcome! Thank you so much for reading my post 🙂 I am so sorry you suffer from anxiety as well, but atleast you know you are not alone! I’m so so happy you saw the email for this post at the right time. I love when the Universe aligns with what we are searching for! I hope you try out some of these things and that you are able to find relief. Keep me updated! Sending you so much love.

    1. Hi! Thanks so much for your comment. Fibro is so difficult but I’m really happy you found this helpful. I believe fibro and anxiety go hand in hand. These tips have helped me a lot. Also look into the book From Fatigued To Fantastic – I recommend it to everyone with fibro! It’s helped me immensely. Sending love xx

  2. I find that taking magnesium citrate in some sort of juice everyday has really helped my anxiety a lot. I’ve also been finding that the smell of my honeysuckle scented body lotion calms me down instantly. Who knew that something as simple as a lotion could do the trick?!? lol. I’ll have to check this stuff out!!! I’ve especially heard amazing things about lotus wei; I wanna try them so badly. Thanks for the recs ❤ ❤ <3.

  3. I recommend Mickel Therapy. It has a lot to do with mind-body-emotions. It i basically noticing when your symptoms are worse and tuning in to what is happening at that time or what the body is trying to tell you. Good luck on your healing journey. I also recommend Trim Healthy Mama, not so much the sweeteners but the separating of ‘fuels’. I have noticed a lot of health benefits, as well as losing 26+ lbs.

  4. The best remedy I’ve found so far for stress and anxiety, to this day, remains exercise…nothing like giving it your all…Either way at the end of the workout you’re in a much calmer state of mind…Endorphins are wonderful for that

  5. lovely post for long time i also suffer anxiety try to find better option to
    overcome this and this post is very helpful for me
    many many thanks for sharing with us……..

  6. i use kava and valerian, skullcap, passion flower and chamomile for nerves and now thanks to some more research and your recommendation going to look into essential oils like frankinscense as well. i take curamin extra strength for inflammation now for fibro and need to expand my toolchest of herbs to combat my pain.

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